Search Results for: Tieguanyin

Top 4 Tie Guanyin Tea Benefits & Features

鐵觀音 TieGuanYin 一盒精品

Tie Guanyin belongs to the oolong tea category, which sits between green tea and black tea, primarily made of semi-fermented tea. The degree of fermentation is usually 40-50%, and according to various fermentation processes, there is green Guanyin, which is partial to green tea, and red Guanyin which is more fermented.

What Kind of Tea is Right for You? Select Ideal Tea Now!

本命茶 適合的茶

This article will provide you with a full rundown of how to drink tea in the smartest and most suitable way. If you still feel that you can’t make a decision after reading this article, you can consult with our tea masters through our website to assist you in discovering the destined ideal tea that belongs to you!