Tag Archives: Tea

Top 5 Tea Shops in Southern Taiwan


Looking at the history of tea in Taiwan, although teas are most famous in Taoyuan, Hsinchu and Miaoli, the tea trade in the south is an important factor. In the early days, all Taiwanese tea was sent to Kaohsiung which has a trading port, so it was inevitable that high-quality southern Taiwan tea would gradually develop. This article will introduce selected tea shops in southern Taiwan to help you plan your next visit.

Top 5 Recommended Tainan Tea Shops

Top 5 台南茶葉行&手搖杯飲料推薦

Good teas can be found all over Taiwan, and the southern areas of Taiwan are scattered with many historical and classic tea shops. Besides Tainan’s Tianren tea, there are many tea shops that originate from South Taiwan. Let’s take a look at some tea shops in Tainan, Taiwan that are worthy of your special trip!

Zenique Recommendation – The Elegant Taiwanese Tea


With the original intention of promoting Taiwanese tea excellence, founder Huang Shijie established “Zenique” in 2006. He insists that 100% of the tea used must come from Taiwan, and there are four insistence on Taiwanese tea: no pesticides, no chemical fertilisers, no artificial flavours and no additives.

Top 4 Tie Guanyin Tea Benefits & Features

鐵觀音 TieGuanYin 一盒精品

Tie Guanyin belongs to the oolong tea category, which sits between green tea and black tea, primarily made of semi-fermented tea. The degree of fermentation is usually 40-50%, and according to various fermentation processes, there is green Guanyin, which is partial to green tea, and red Guanyin which is more fermented.

Dayuling Tea Review | Best Recipe & Benefits

Dayuling 大禹嶺茶 一盒精品

Whenever visiting a tea shop, two categories of Dayuling tea, “high mountain tea” and “high cold tea”, can always be seen. However, the distinguished differences between these two teas are often very confusing. What is it that makes Dayuling high mountain tea particularly delicious, and how does it differ from high cold tea?

【Honey Black Oolong】Top 1 Famous Taiwan Tea

蜜香紅烏龍 Honey Black Oolong 一盒精品 ABoxTik

Honey Black Oolong or Honey Red Oolong is based on tea species grown in middle – low altitude tea areas. The multi-layered tea aroma is the biggest feature of Honey Black Oolong. The natural floral aroma and strong taste make it one of the most popular black teas in Taiwan.